The Power of Online Advertising


There have been plenty of studies done to show the power of on-line marketing. I have written about this a couple of times on my blog LocalBizBits.

Yes numbers are good, but it isn’t until you experience it yourself or know someone who has, can you come to understand or appreciate the power the Internet has for your small business.

Last year, I found this very informative article: Marketing Case Study: Search Engine Marketing vs. Radio for Local Advertising by Tom Blue. Tom conducted a 3 month study comparing SEO and Google Adwords (Pay per click ads) vs regular radio advertising for a local small business.  Head over to his blog to read all of the specifics but the results were very,very interesting.

The radio ad budget was $13,000/mo. The adwords budget was $400-$700/mo and the SEO budget was $2000/mo. 

The Radio ads average cost per lead was $240 while the adwords and SEO cost per leads were $17.98 and $22.55 respectively. Not hard to do the math here!

Now with any study, these results only represent one business in one particular market. In general though, with on-line marketing you have the ability to truly target your market. You set the keywords, the location(s), length, and budget of your ads.  So you can start small and work your way up.

Right now most folks are researching product/service  information on-line and then going off-line to purchase. Take advantage of that today!

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